H o m e

Our Family History: Chastain - Harrell

by Karyl Chastain Beal

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S e a r c h

The "REDBOOK" was published in the summer of 1979. Since then, the book has not been updated, even though many milestone dates and events have gone by.

In order to make the book available on the Internet to those who want to find genealogical connections and to learn more about our family, we have decided to reproduce the whole book here. (The complete book is not up yet, but I am working on it. Hopefully it will be on line before long.)

The on-line version also includes corrections and updated information.

Updating the book Information

We need the help of all visitors who are related to the Chastains, Masseys, Harrels, Folsoms and others in this book to collect current information and add to the site.

Updated information and corrections are listed on each page in a blue square.

Please follow the directions at the bottom of the page to correct or submit new information.

Note:  In updated information, we can include causes of death, and any significant medical/health issues that may be genetic in origin, and other milestone events that you think might be significant or interesting to people researching their family trees.

Explaining the Links Below

The Table of Contents, on pages 1 - 5, lists the topic of each page.

Each link below is named by the page numbers included in that section. Click a link, and it will take you to the section where those pages have been duplicated, along with blue boxes showing updated information.

Site updated May 27, 2009




Page Number Links

Chastain Connections

1 - 5  Table of Contents

  6 - 10     11 - 19     20 - 28     29 - 34   

 35 - 39     40 - 45     46 - 52     53 - 60       61 - 69     70 - 72     73 - 77  

  78 - 85     86 - 89     90 - 93       94 - 98     99 - 100     100 - 104    104 - 109   

 110 - 117     117 - 120     121 - 126     127 - 130


Harrell, Massey, Folsom Connections

131 - 143     144 - 147     148 - 153     154 - 157     158 - 166    

167 - 173     174 - 179     180 - 189   190 - 198

199 - 204     205 - 211

Search the site

S e a r c h



 Directions for Corrections & New Information

To send genealogical information to update The Redbook, or to contact Karyl with questions or comments ...

1. Click the Information button below.

2. In the subject line, put: Information for Redbook

3. In the text box, include your name, e-mail address, and telephone number.

4. Write the page number to indicate where this information should be placed.

5. Then, type the information that needs to be added.

6. Please include a note explaining where you got the information.

7. In the COPY TO line, put your own e-mail address, to keep a copy for your own files.

8. Hit SEND.

(I will send an e-mail to you to confirm that I have received your message after I receive it.)

Note: If the button does not work, send to redbook@bellsouth.net




H o m e